Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Social Media: Dos and Don'ts

The older I get or just the more i interact with it, the more I learn that I might hate social media. It seems repetitive, annoying and just too much. Being able to see other people's lives makes me feel strange and I hate the envy that sometimes comes with it and feel as though it keeps us from genuinely engaging. Like for example, I post something I painted on my Instagram and people just like it but no one feels the need to type out in words why they do and I don't like that very much. I want to have a conversation with my art and all the things I post, thats why I always give a caption, so I encourage a response but I seldom get one. It's gotten to the point for me that I yearn such response so much and check back so frequent, I just delete the apps from my phone and ignore them. It's unhealthy, the attachment and I'm learning to enjoy what I get and not get too wrapped up in others. It just feels so empty to me at times.

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