Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Great Gatsby Book Cover

Favorite Trailers and Openings!

Social Media: Dos and Don'ts

The older I get or just the more i interact with it, the more I learn that I might hate social media. It seems repetitive, annoying and just too much. Being able to see other people's lives makes me feel strange and I hate the envy that sometimes comes with it and feel as though it keeps us from genuinely engaging. Like for example, I post something I painted on my Instagram and people just like it but no one feels the need to type out in words why they do and I don't like that very much. I want to have a conversation with my art and all the things I post, thats why I always give a caption, so I encourage a response but I seldom get one. It's gotten to the point for me that I yearn such response so much and check back so frequent, I just delete the apps from my phone and ignore them. It's unhealthy, the attachment and I'm learning to enjoy what I get and not get too wrapped up in others. It just feels so empty to me at times.

Best Design

The Dali Museum is one of my favorite places hands down. It does an amazing job of giving you a sense for the artist before you even enter the building and even has the power to pull from the road to look inside or to simply walk around

Even the inside of this museum keeps your attention by going to a point at the stairs and pulling you into its many galleries.

Music Favorites


A favorite group of mine has always been Little Dragon. With the very dreamy vocals and imaginative sounds, they always translate it so well in their visuals. I haven't seen a video of theirs that I didn't like. I feel the same with their album covers

Its just so dreamy and I love the atmosphere that it brings.

I LOVE Gorillaz!! The idea of an animated band making music is so so cool and eye catching. With the amazing movement and colors, what is not to find interesting. When it comes to this group what adds is all the concepts. The voices, the singing, the attitude. It all just adds to make such a beautiful piece of art that, like a group of real artists, changes over time. Because the music and the visual style has changed as well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What You Collect...

I just love this piece so much, when I find the name of the photographer, I'll definitely add it.

On artist who I have followed for years is Maya Kern. I love her work so so much! I can't post her work here so go check out her tumblr!



As an artist, I am inspired by a lot of things . But mostly my dad. My dad is the person who taught me to paint and draw at a very young age and to this day, is a continuos source of inspiration and support. During the day, I'm usually most inspired at the end of the day after my brain haw wondered all over the place but that can change for me. But that is mostly outside of class. I think art, for me, can really be anything you are able to sit down and appreciate but even then there are types of art that reach out past that definition. I find lots of inspiration in the art and models in fashion magazines, mostly Vogue. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

This is one of my favorite perfume ads. As an avid reader of Vogue and other fashion magazines, I love looking at the adverts and the other photography. It makes me happy and the model in this piece with this very curious look on her face, I love it.

Another favorite.

There is just something too busy about this ad and I don't like it.

Peachtree Road Race